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Male Nude Photography

created by gay artist Malcolm Lidbury


Lidbury’s former partner Andrew Smith (deceased) was the artist’s first muse.  Other partners & male friends, both gay & some not so gay have contributed & aided Lidbury with his homocentric art through static photography over the years. 


Much of the problem Lidbury has encountered has been built in protected homophobic attitudes & practices of Devon & Cornwall police.  A chronic failure on the part of police to know what the law actually was/is regarding Art & nudity.  Blissful ignorance or pious prejudice on the part of police & other authorities in Cornwall regarding the age of homosexual consent (affective Jan 2001) & even greater ignorance by police & others of the revised Sexual Offences Act 2003 (affective May 2004).


Most Devon & Cornwall police officers Lidbury has encountered even into the 21st Century still laboring under discriminatory illusion homosexuality was still criminalized & that LGBT persons because of their sexuality could still be victimized, bullied, threatened & intimidated by homophobic police with the blessing of various Chief Constables & other senior Devon & Cornwall officers


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