LGBT History Cornwall UK
Sprocket Trust Archive est.1995
"One Queer Gay Life"
Over 25yrs of Gay Equality Campaigning
This website is included in the National Community Archive. License has been granted for inclusion in the British Library UK Web Archive. The website has been made recommended reading by staff member to University students studying LGBT Queer Studies
NB: 2016 :This website in its entirety accepted & acknowledged by the UK Statutory Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
as CSA victim witness testimony submitted by Malcolm Lidbury against organisations & authorities primarily in Devon & Cornwall
(ie homophobic police & Intercom Trust) which collaborated in ignoring & covering up Child Sexual Abuse
(& further perpetuating homophobic abuse & hate crimes by authorities & organisations).
"When the highly respected LGBT historian Rictor Norton tweeted that website was very interesting
...we categorically knew we were getting it right".
A History of LGBT Cornwall - "One Queer Gay Life"
"This is rumour control...& here are the facts"
In 2008 it became apparent much of Cornwall's early LGBT social history of later part of the C20th century was being sanitised.
Early LGBT Cornwall community activities, campaigning & achievements were being 'airbrushed' out & erased from official sources of social Cornwall LGBT history month projects by later institutionally funded 'equality & diversity' organisations.
This in part has now been addressed through the Sprocket Trust archive of factual referenced aspects of LGBT history of Cornwall which 'some' in various authorities would prefer others did not know or acknowledge.
A History of LGBT Cornwall - "One Queer Gay Life"
(Timeline 2007 - Onwards)
2007 - Cornwall Pride Beach Day Arrest
2007 - Pink Pasty Video Channel
2008 - Govt Audit & Human Right Enquiry
2008 - Cornwall Pride & Gay Suicides
2009 - Intercom -V- Henry Scott Tuke RA
2010 - Police bury gay witness video
2011 - Truro PRIDE ban Gay Art & Artist
2011 - Forensic Clynical Psychologist report
2012 - National Child Sex Abuse Scandal
2013 - Essex police identify Child Rapist
2013 - Court Gagging Order
2014 - £2-10 million Tax Fraud & LGBT PRIDE
2014 - Not Quite Tom of Finland, but still Finland
2015 - CSA Inquiry Gay Survivor Testimony
2015 - Intercom Trust abuse of Child Sex Abuse Survivors
2015 - Cornwall Gay Sculpture LGBT History Exhibits
2016 - Cornwall Gay Art, Suicide & Disability
A History of LGBT Cornwall - "One Queer Gay Life"
(Timeline 1991 - 2006)
1991 - ICT LGBT Newsletter Cornwall
1990's Chimney Stax – Rainbow Gay Club,
1994 - 1st Cornwall PRIDE & LGBT Fetes
1994 - HIV/AIDS Diagnosis Andy Smith
1994 - Equal Age Of Consent Campaign
1995 - On going Police Homophobia
1995- Goodbye ICT - Hello Sprocket Trust
1996 - Death of HIV/AIDS Campaigner
1997 - Gay Health Project Cornwall
1997 - Castrate Gay Men
1999/2000 Gay Dinner Party Homophobia
2000 - Plymouth Pride Forum
2004 - Police Homophobia & Hate Crimes
2005 - Homeless Gay/Bi Youth
2006 - Gay Youth 'Stop & Search'
2006 - Gay Assaults -True Vision
2006 - Fagbutts Newsletter
2006 - Civil Court Order