LGBT History Cornwall UK
Sprocket Trust Archive est.1995
"One Queer Gay Life"
Over 25yrs of Gay Equality Campaigning
This website is included in the National Community Archive. License has been granted for inclusion in the British Library UK Web Archive. The website has been made recommended reading by staff member to University students studying LGBT Queer Studies
NB: 2016 :This website in its entirety accepted & acknowledged by the UK Statutory Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
as CSA victim witness testimony submitted by Malcolm Lidbury against organisations & authorities primarily in Devon & Cornwall
(ie homophobic police & Intercom Trust) which collaborated in ignoring & covering up Child Sexual Abuse
(& further perpetuating homophobic abuse & hate crimes by authorities & organisations).
"When the highly respected LGBT historian Rictor Norton tweeted that website was very interesting
...we categorically knew we were getting it right".
Independent Police Complaints Commission
Lidbury’s complaints of multiple police misconduct lead to two separate but unsatisfactory 'partial' investigations by Independent Police Complaints Commission 2004/2006. Even the 'partial' investigation resulted in numerous recommendations being made to Devon & Cornwall Constabulary of needed improvement of public service.
In 2004 Lidbury also raised with IPCC in initial interview his having reported his being a child abuse victim to various police officers It was disregarded by the Independent Police Complaints Commission…and has repeatedly & continued to be ignored in subsequent communications to the IPCC - up to 2015
Facts the IPCC did Establish
Regarding complaints made by a gay person in Cornwall, but little done about these incidents or the catalogue of other Cornwall police abuses highlighted:
1. IPCC established A Cornwall police officer lied about a (non-existent) signature in a pocket book. Abuser in the company of PC Tar (Camborne)
2. IPCC established Police failed to provide (withheld) legal court documentation. Abuse by PC Tar of Camborne
3. IPCC established Police failed to return a computer after it had been given the all clear by police forensics (police kept it for weeks in a lock up garage or similar) abuse by DC Anning
4. IPCC established Police did make un-logged (not recorded by police) visits to the family home (these were most intimidating to Lidbury’s elderly mother) abuse by PC Tar & another, also DC Crowe & DS Beckerlegge
5. IPCC established Kept a gay person on a computer as a suspect AFTER the case had been NFA'd (no further action) abuse by DC Anning
6. IPCC established Failed to provide food for over 7 hours whilst a suspect was in custody. Abuse by Camborne custody officers
7. IPCC established Police failed to inform a gay suspect weeks after a case had been finalized that there was no further action. Abuse by DC Anning again
8. IPCC established There was no means to follow received mail into Exeter Middlemore police HQ within the internal system of the police headquarters, therefore no quality control by police on delivery of service
However the IPCC despite above findings of police abuse admit in their initial report they did not interview fourteen further witnesses regarding a catalogue of other complaints made!
Complaints regarding Cornwall police conduct IPCC choose NOT to investigate.
These still remain buried to the utter frustration and angst of the gay victims of Cornwall police continuing homophobic abuses:-
1. Failure of ‘Duty of Care’ to a homeless 15yr old teenage gay youth (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse by PC Treloar & PC Fuller of Helston
2. Attempted blackmail of a teenage gay youth (UNINVESTIGATED) abuse by DC Scott of Camborne
3. Abuse of a gay teenager in a strip search & botched ‘Stop & Search’ (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse by PC Alexander & another police officer
4. Seizing of a computer leading to destruction of a gay businesses (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse DC Anning 4913 & senior officers
5. Failure to follow ‘TRUE VISION’ & CPS definition of ‘Homophobic Incident’ following serious physical assault of two gay/bi persons (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse by Three Helston Police Officers
6. Refusal to take statements from Gay/Bi witnesses (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse by Sgt. Rowe 3406 of Helston
7. Perjury by a police officer in Crown Court (UNINVESTIGATED) abuse by DC Scott of Camborne
8. Further un-logged visits by police officers to further intimidate complaint-ents against the police (UNIVESTIGATED) abuse by DC Crowe 4718 & DS Beckerlegge 4955
9. Refusal of a police Sgt. to take a witness statement from an adult gay eyewitness (a founding member of Cornwall's lesbian women's publication OUTBACK was witness to this police refusal) (UNINVESTIGATED) abuse by Sgt Rowe 3406 of Helston
10. Only an 'out' gay person was arrested out of a group of people equally taking part in lawful activity. No charges were made against the gay person. (UNINVESTIGATED) abuse by DC Parker who also ignored text messages from the false accuser ADMITTING it was a false allegation against the gay man & failed to return lawful belongings seized by police
Merely the tip of the corrupt, dishonest & homophobic attitudes & practices still to this day common place within the Cornwall police force. Members of the Lidbury household continued to be relentlessly targeted & intimidated by Cornwall police.
From 2004 Lidbury AS A VICTIM of crime had also reported to Cornwall police:-
Attempted blackmail/extortion
Theft & Criminal damage from the property
Multiple Vehicle Criminal damage
Threats of physical assault & violence (Death threats)
Intimidation & threats of arrest made by police against Lidbury’s pensioner mother
Cornwall police have done nothing to resolve these incidents due to involvement & role of their own police officers in instigating these offences & hate crimes against members of the Lidbury household
Devon & Cornwall Police Diversity Officers
The appointment of three new diversity police officers to the Cornwall police force was an immediate effect of Lidbury’s complaints made against the Cornwall police 2004/06 & the IPCC partially investigated catalogue of incidents. It was a futile & ineffectual gesture as the CIOS Diversity & Equality unit continued through the police website to pesecute Lidbury, both a a gay man & as a Child Sex Abuse survivor.
NB: The Devon & Cornwall COIS Equality & Diversity Unit was finally scrapped as part of austerity police budget cuts
In 2005: Lidbury had also raised concern with Devon & Cornwall police regarding class ‘A’ drugs being provided to one of his student employees by a gay man in Penzance. Lidbury had also raised his concerns with the student’s college liaison. Devon & Cornwall police were disinterested. The college & Lidbury agreed to enable the student to finish his qualification course then Lidbury’s former student employee left the employ of Lidbury.
The same former student employee was later arrested following suspicious death of a gay man who had supplied the youth with class ‘A’ drugs & with whom the former student employee was then living with in Penzance.
Sept 2006 Fagbutts Gay Community Newsletter. Front cover. Cornwall LGBT History. Cornish Gay Equality Homophobia.
May 2007: Devon & Cornwall police repeatedly refused to acknowledge Lidbury raising with police his having been in a child peadophile ring. Raped & sexually abused by a (named) teacher, clergy, police, amongst others when Lidbury was a 6-10yr old child (1966-1970). Devon & Cornwall police returned information sent to them by Lidbury, stating it was - ‘not their job’.
2007 Lidbury published three autobiographical memoirs.
Mr Hopkins Legacy: Lidbury's own childhood sexual experiences. This book covers the true account of impact of homophobic discrimination and his awareness when as a youth himself of hatred towards gay people. His coping strategy when as a teenager in knowledge of gay discrimination. His sexual criminality, period in prison, then coming to terms with his gay sexuality. This is the first of three distressing and disturbing personal true memoirs about his life & later gay experiences in grossly HOMOPHOBIC Cornwall, UK
No Carrots in my Pasty: The true traumatic experience of deep-rooted prejudice within Cornwall’s authorities towards those with HIV/AIDS and also gay people. Malcolm Lidbury’s true account of his fight in Cornwall for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care and legal equality for gay persons in the face of gross hostility and ignorance embedded in Cornwall. (In 1995 he was named by Gay Times as one of the top 200 gay people in the UK). Lidbury’s own Cornish partners HIV/AIDS diagnosis, their battles with Cornwall discrimination, public violence and violating abuses they suffered. With help of local press, radio & television, they fought back against the bigotry inherent & protected (still?) within Cornwall’s institutions & authorities!
A No Gay Zone: Following the death of his then partner, in 1996, Lidbury withdrew from gay & HIV/AIDS campaigning after being driven to his own attempted suicide. In 2004 asked to assist with a forum on LGBT opinion of the Criminal Justice Service, a protracted period of harassment by Cornwall Police followed. His home raided, arrested, two civil court cases, family & friends intimidated (death threats), assaults, his two businesses entirely destroyed by police and his life repeatedly violated. As result of Lidbury’s complaints, two Independent Police Complaints Commission investigations recommended in 2006 TWENTY-TWO (desperately needed) public service improvements to Devon & Cornwall Constabulary.
May-June 2007: Aspects of Lidbury’s gay life were researched as contribution to writing & performance of a London Drill Hall Theatre stage play - ‘A gay man’s guide’.
Police attempted to have book publications by Lidbury removed, including that of ‘Hopkins Legacy’ about Lidbury having been sexually abused when as a child himself. Lidbury had considerably toned down record of abuse & child rape he ‘Lidbury’ experienced when as a child in 1966-1970 out of concern it could not be published. Devon & Cornwall Police legal dept. tried to have both book & his blog references to Lidbury being child raped removed years previously. The child rape also raised by Lidbury in video witness testimony given to police in 2010, evidence subsequently buried & covered up by police.
July 2006 DC Magnus Scott had requested a Risk Assessment Report about Lidbury.
The report author Helen Robinson report States 2.1 “Mr Lidbury claims to have been sexually exploited from an early age. Initially as part of a paedophile ring and later by a schoolteacher to whom his parents entrusted his care during school holidays”
Malcolm Lidbury - NB: Typical Cornwall social worker, could not even listen & get that right. It was the (freemason) teacher who introduced me at 6yrs old to the pedophile ring (consisting of clergy,. police officer among othes)...until I was 10yrs old
Police also attempted to remove this youtube video made in 2010
12/13 The Devon & Cornwall Police PSD blatant lies exposed by their own police report 2006 & elsewhere in police legal dept. action & prior legal threats to remove information of Lidbury being a CSA survivor from book publication & internet postings.
2013/4: In response to complaint against police, Devon & Cornwall Police Professional Standards Department claimed/lied Devon & Cornwall police had no prior knowledge pre-2013 of Lidbury ever having been a victim of child sex abuse. The IPCC also ignored this police misconduct & dishonesty.....again!
Next go to - LGBT BEACH PRIDE arrest

Homophobic Hate Crime attacks of criminal damage towards Lidbury's vehicles & home. Reported, but ignored by Cornwall police

IPCC repeatedly ignore reported child sex abuse & homophobic practises of Devon & Cornwall police