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2012: The Jimmy Savile story started to break of hundreds of his sex abuse victims, many ignored & covered up by the authorities. 

It quickly became apparent that police had treated many complaints by Savile’s alleged victims with contempt & ridicule.


More & more cases of historic child sex abuse previously reported, ignored & covered up by police began to emerge of endemic nationwide police catastrophic failings, wholesale misconduct & probable widespread criminality by police in child sex abuse cases





#Welsh Children’s Homes,

#Channel Isles care homes,


#Dolphin Square,





#Elm Guest House,


#Forde Park,


#Cyril Smith,


#Sir Peter Hayman

#Lord Janner

#Sir Peter Morrison

#William Goad

#etc. etc.



Despite the growing above list of Child Rape & sexual abuse covered up by police there are still cretins who 'trust' the police. Serious concerns raised about the involvement of Devon & Cornwall police in the William Goad case, effectively brushed aside & ignored by the Devon & Cornwall police Professional Standards Unit.


The above list also does not include Devon & Cornwall police ignoring for years one of their own PC Bryant 


In June 2015 the Independent Police Complaints Commission once again poured whitewash over the numerous police officers misconduct involved in the Devon & Cornwall police, police who had collaborated & aided in cover up for the police officer child sex abuers PC Bryant


Unfortunately Child Sex Abuse survivor victims of Devon & Cornwall police misconduct & criminality can have NO FAITH in the honesty or integrity of the authorities like the IPCC.


Lidbury was a Child Sex Abuse survivor from having been raped from age 6yrs through to age 10 yrs by a (Freemason) teacher, clergy & police accomplices, amongst others in a pedophile ring involving up to a dozen or more boys, including Lidbury aged 6yrs. All mostly under 16yrs of age. Lidbury reporting by name HOPKINS & the pedophile ring operating in Tarpots, Essex in the 1960's -70 to Devon & Cornwall police but ignored since 1987.


He could relate entirely to other CSA survivors who were beginning to speak out publicly. In particular how police nationwide had further victimized & mistreated CSA survivors like Lidbury.  Lidbury had been raising with Devon & Cornwall police his having been sexually abused as a 6-10yr old child (1966-1970) with numerous  multiple Devon & Cornwall police officers since 1987, but always ignored, threatened, ridiculed, victimised, by EVERY Cornwall police officer EVER encountered.


Lidbury had not only experienced Devon & Cornwall  police abusive attitudes towards him as a CSA survivor, but also had to contend with endemic & routine Devon & Cornwall police year-on-year-on year & still on-going vindictive homophobia towards him as a gay man.


In Cornwall nearly every LGBT group (Intercom Trust, Healthy Gay Cornwall, Cornwall Pride) had attacked, ostracized & excluded  Lidbury for speaking out about police misconduct, homophobia & as CSA survivor.


These LGBT groups have all exhibited anti-victim prejudice or AVP


Lidbury "The pedophiles who raped & sodermised me over a period of years from when I was age six through to age ten years, did so only for a few years. Whereas Devon & Cornwall police, aided by persons within Cornwall Council, HMIC, IPCC, & some LGBT groups like Intercom Trust, LGBT Pact, etc. have perpetuated the impact of that child rape by persicution, intimidation & bullying over a period of decades"  


Meanwhile in the rest of the United Kingdom a Himalayan like mountain range of growing evidence & testimony of CSA survivor victims across the UK of police collaboration, police dishonesty, police criminality & police failings in duty of care on an wholesale scale across the United Kingdom in regard to child sex abuse which police had ignored & aided & abetted in covering up for decades.


The police in Cornwall far, far more intent on persecuting to silence Lidbury as an 'out' & outspoken gay man publicly critical of police, than police were in dealing with the catalogue of criminal acts AGAINST Lidbury as a victim of hate crimes or as a CSA survivor. 


Police completely & repeatedly ignoring Lidbury bringing up 'he' was a victim survivor of child sexual abuse, him having been raped as a 6-10yr old child over a period of many years, by multiple persons, (inc. by a police officer).  Police DID NOT & DO NOT want to know then or now when it involves members of their own police cozy fraternity.


Of growing particular concern the number of cases nationwide involving freemasons & person of influence in govt. establishment, institutions & organizations.  Still senior police, ACPO, HMIC, IPCC, CPS, turned a blind eye & deaf ear, compounding victimization & persecuting of CSA & institutional homophobia whistleblowers!


Lidbury had reported repeatedly (from 1987) over a period of decades to numerous Devon & Cornwall police officers his having been sexually abused & raped as a 6yr old, through to the age of when he was 10yrs old (1966-1970).


Lidbury since 2004 had become louder & louder about both police homophobic hate crimes & historic CSA. Devon & Cornwall police ridiculed, laughed off, dismissed, threatened, bullied, victimized, persecuted & abused him as an adult gay man & as a historic child rape victim to try to silence Lidbury.


Police had even had Lidbury  assessed to make out Lidbury was mentally ill to try to further discredit him.  Police were unsuccessful in their attempt to slate Lidbury as the clinical forensic psychology report commissioned by police found Lidbury both ‘logical & rational’, & not menmtally ill as spread by police.


  • In 2007 Cornwall police sent back information about Lidbury being child raped

  • Re: ‘historic child rape’ Hopkins Legacy - saying it was not their (police) job.

  • Police legal department threatened legal action unless information removed

     from internet (including information of Lidbury having been raped as a child)

  • Raised again repeatedly with numerous Cornwall police officers encountered

      (always threatened, vilified, belittled & berated by Devon & Cornwall police)

  • Lidbury raised the historic child rape on the 6hr videotaped witness evidence

     given police in Feb/Mch 2010 against multiple criminal, abuse & misconduct carried

     out by named & identified Devon & Cornwall police officers

(Devon & Cornwall police buried the tape, despite a Freedom of Information Act

requests to access it).


Lidbury BEGGED the Independent Police Complaints Commission to examine the video tape

tape of his exposing police homophobia & covering up of child rape

....the IPCC simply ignored Lidbury!


Lidbury’s complaints routinely buck passed by the IPCC back to Devon & Cornwall police

Professional Standards Dept. where Mrs Bowden, Insp. Chudely & Insp. Swift routinely

through obfuscation & misfeasance slipped the complaints under the carpet.

Nov 2012:  With the appointment of Police Crime Commissioners Lidbury tried raising the historic child

rape he had experienced at 6-10yrs old & catalogue of homophobic police misconduct with newly

appointed Tony Hogg Police Crime Commissioner.

Tony Hogg PCC ignored multiple correspondence & even blocked Lidbury on internet on both Twitter &

the PCC public forum.


NB: March 2015: A posting on the Tony Hogg PCC forum 23 Jan 2013 - Post by: Malcolm Lidbury

on 23/01/2013 19:45:16 ... has subsequently suddenly disappeared/erased from the PCC forum. 


Likewise a persecutory page previously on Devon & Cornwall police force website Equality &

Diversity page for YEARS directed specifically against Lidbury by name also suddenly disappeared

and suddenly showed as an internet ‘404’ error.


There is NO shadow of doubt in Lidbury’s mind Tony Hogg Police Crime Commissioner office has

compounded & aided in covering up of police homophobia, police misconduct, police criminality &

police historic child rape,…. as has Lidbury’s Lib Dem Mp Andrew George & Devon & Cornwall Police

Crime Panel!


Lidbury "Personally there is not the width of a rizla paper between those who raped me when I was a 6yr old boy & those in the Devon & Cornwall police & LGBT groups in Cornwall & Intercom Trust in Exeter who have aided in covering it up for decades by bullying, intimidating, ostracising & victimising me for speaking out as a gay adult & as a Child Sex Abuse survivor"


Lidbury not one to be put off...but finally completely frustrated & exasperated at dishonesty, homophobic attitudes & corruption within Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, ACPO, HMIC, IPCC & DC-PCC office  & the total lack of support from LGBT groups in Cornwall & Exeter, Lidbury tried an entirely different police force.


Now why would Devon & Cornwall Constabulary try so hard to cover up for decade’s historic sexual abuse?


Lidbury had repeatedly been told by Devon & Cornwall police ‘he’ was the only person complaining.  


Some victims & observers will rightly believe there is a root & branch failure throughout police from HMIC, ACPO, and Chief Constables down to PCSO’s ‘Tesco value hobby bobbies’ to investigate complaints against police with even a modicum or a pretense of professional honesty or integrity.

Not one to be put off, Lidbury gave up with the corrupt, homophobic & endemically dishonest Devon & Cornwall Constabulary....& contacted a different police force.


Next go to - 2013 Essex police identify Child Rapist 





Intercom Trust
Emotionally re-raped by Devon & Cornwall police for three decades

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