LGBT History Cornwall UK
Sprocket Trust Archive est.1995
"One Queer Gay Life"
Over 25yrs of Gay Equality Campaigning
This website is included in the National Community Archive. License has been granted for inclusion in the British Library UK Web Archive. The website has been made recommended reading by staff member to University students studying LGBT Queer Studies
NB: 2016 :This website in its entirety accepted & acknowledged by the UK Statutory Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
as CSA victim witness testimony submitted by Malcolm Lidbury against organisations & authorities primarily in Devon & Cornwall
(ie homophobic police & Intercom Trust) which collaborated in ignoring & covering up Child Sexual Abuse
(& further perpetuating homophobic abuse & hate crimes by authorities & organisations).
"When the highly respected LGBT historian Rictor Norton tweeted that website was very interesting
...we categorically knew we were getting it right".
2008 - National Audit Office & Human Rights Enquiry
National Audit Office
June 2008:- Lidbury was contacted by the National Audit Office to give witness evidence for an investigation regarding the effectiveness of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Lidbury had nothing positive to say about the further abusive IPCC process. Lidbury believes that gay people (& CSA survivors) should consider very carefully before making a formal complaint against police to the IPCC. (Independent Police Complaints Commission).
Lidbury -"In our experience an already victimized gay person can find themselves further abused & violated by the ineffectiveness and bias of the IPCC towards & in favor of the police and further intimidated and victimized by the police. That is our experience".
Said Lidbury in 2007 (and still remains his opinion through bitter experience - 2015)
It was not just Lidbury who expressed serious concerns about the ineffectual & bias of the IPCC in favour of police misconduct, corruption & criminality. Of the members of the public who did make complaint to the IPCC & risk further victimisation & abuse from police, a staggering 80% were unsatisfied or completly unsatisfied with the way the IPCC handled their complaint.
It was not just members of the public concerned about the IPCC. Over one hundred lawyers withdrew their services from the IPCC out of concerns of "inconsistently poor quality of decision-making at all levels" within the IPCC. Lidburys feelings exactly due to the way IPCC had covered up for Devon & Cornwall police.
Human Rights Enquiry
June 2008:- Lidbury submitted evidence to a Human Rights Enquiry into institutional breaches of Human Rights.
Most of Lidbury's evidence & testimony given in more than five hour interview with the Criminal Research Dept. Kings College consisted of lists of abusive conduct, practices & attitudes from within the authorities of Cornwall, UK against gay people.
This evidence provided by Lidbury included his blog which raises awareness of the continuing widespread problem & numerous instances of continuing institutional homophobic attitudes & practices against gay persons in Cornwall, UK.
NB: 2013: Much of Lidbury's blog postings raising concerns about criminal activities in Cornwall was decimated by a compelled removal by a court order. Many of the criminal activities Lidbury raised remain ignored & uninvestigated by police.(inc. Lidbury having been a Child Sexual Abuse victim & its reporting to Devon & Cornwall police)
In particular, homophobic abuses & abusive attitudes & practices carried out from within Cornwall Police & Cornwall Council.
Devon & Cornwall Constabulary then threatened in writing prosecution, unless Lidbury removed the blog, destroying the evidence he submitted as reference to the HRE. Including references of him being sexually abused when he, Lidbury was a 6yr -10yr old child.
This was not the 1st time Cornwall police & others had tried intimidation to cover up their abuses by threatening legal action against Lidbury for making public, his and other Cornwall gay persons experiences of endemic & protected homophobia carried out by the Cornwall police force. (& of child rape covered up by police)
Jan 2009:- Lidbury received a letter of thanks from Dame Nuala O'Loan DBE, chair of the British Equality & Human Rights Commission, for Lidbury's written & verbal witness evidence provided to the UK government’s enquiry into Human Rights in 2008.
The Human Right Report published June 2009.
Lidbury:- "Forget hoodie wearing youth, the single most likely person to intimidate, traumatize, violate, abuse and homophobically adversely affect the life of a gay person in Cornwall still likely to be a Cornwall police officer".
Feb 2008 Newquay gay club, the Queen Vic opens in a flurry of publicity. It was short lived & had closed by July of the same year. Homophobic attitudes were cited as the cause of closure.
May 2008 Cornwall's LGBT night Club, Eclipse in Truro also closes its doors
Next go to - Cornwall Pride & Gay Suicide

LGBT Eclipse nightclub closes down