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August 2007: Cornwall Police once again targeted & arrested Lidbury at his home, just days prior to the Cornwall PRIDE Beach Day. (Arresting/search officers T. Charles 337, PC Martin 5007, PC Windsor 3406, PC Fellows 4432)


Lidbury was ‘Chair' of the 2007 Cornwall Gay LGBT PRIDE Beach day.  The lgbt steering group had voted unanimously NOT to invite or involve the homophobic Devon & Cornwall police, but to simply inform police as a necessary courtesy well in advance of the LGBT Pride beach gathering.


The LGBT gathering was subsequently put in serious jeopardy of cancellation as a result of the arrest of Lidbury as Pride Beach day ‘Chair’ just days before the beach day. PC Arron Piper put out false & misleading disinformation in the media. (Two years later police DC Parker admitted in writing there was evidence that the allegation made against Lidbury was false)




National LGBT newspaper Pink Paper

'Arrest sparks new row as beach lovers enjoy pride'

Aug 2007 Cornwall Gay PRIDE Beach Day at Hayle beach gathering successfully attended by over 140 people.  The weather Gods shined down in glorious sunshine & the Rainbow flag which had covered Lidbury’s former partner Andrew’s coffin fluttered in the sea breeze.


Post Cornwall LGBT Pride Beach Day


Due to ongoing intimidation of Lidbury by police the LGBT Pride beach day steering group, comprising of gay men, gay women & gay youth disbanded out of fear of further homophobic Cornwall police reprisals.

After months on bail, NO criminal charges, NO criminal prosecution & NO conviction resulted towards Lidbury.  During the prolonged period of bail Lidbury attempted suicide due directly & specifically to Cornwall police relentless misconduct & prolonged homophobic abuses.


Lidbury was subjected to repeated vehicle stops & un-logged police visits felt to be intended to harass & continue to violate his life as an 'out' gay man and those lives of other residents/tenants in his family home. (Similar common police abusive practice used in racist conduct by police against the Stephen Lawrence family, who police investigated the family for having made complaints against police for the bungled police investigation into murder of Stephen Lawrence) Revelations about undercover police conduct (2013)

Plus Police (DC Parker) choose to ignore: -

1. There were several eyewitnesses as to the falsehood of the allegation made against Lidbury
2. There was physical evidence ignored by police
3. There were TEXT messages from the false accuser admitting it was a false allegation!

Only Lidbury, an 'OUT' gay male was targeted & initially arrested by police, out of a group of several people all taking part equally in lawful activity. Such is the protected homophobic practices of Cornwall police. It is believed the police did not prosecute the false accuser, J Prior, as it would have raised serious issues regarding Cornwall police homophobic attitudes & practices against Lidbury as a gay man!


It was to be a further two years before police finally admitted in writing that there had been evidence (throughout) that the allegation made against Lidbury was indeed false & eventually recorded by police as a NO CRIME!”

Aug 2007: Queer West Publication. Editor Craig Denney. Cornwall victims of homophobia speak out.


Oct 2007: Queer West Publication 'Homophobia in the police in Cornwall'


Also Queer West Publication 'Hostile Police'  

Also Queer West Publication  'IPCC investigate police'



Attempted extortion & blackmail

Sept 2007: - Lidbury was subjected to an attempted extortion & blackmail attempt by M Pascoe. This immediately reported to Cornwall police. POLICE LOG REF: 603.11.09.07.  However, Cornwall police (Sgt. Rowe of Helston) refused to interview or take statement from a gay direct eye-witness present and dropped the investigation. Despite fresh complaints reported to various authorities, these further complaints along with many other previous complaints against Cornwall police including police ignoring historic Child Sex Abuse (1966-1970) have not been investigated!

There is some evidence to suggest that Cornwall police themselves (DC Parker) may have instigated the attempted blackmail against Lidbury.

Sgt. Rowe in front of a witness later targeted Lidbury, because Sgt. Rowe by his own admission “recognized Lidbury as a gay man who had made complaints against police”. Such is the police abuse culture protected within the Cornwall police force by senior officers up to the Chief Constables Office.

Dec 2007: Lidbury was voted 3rd in 'Queerwest' 'Person of Gay Influence in the Southwest'. An lgbt news publication run by Editor Craig Denney.


NB:  Year leading up to March 2008:- A request under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that there were over 1,200+ official complaints made AGAINST Devon & Cornwall Constabulary in that year. The 3rd highest of the 42 police forces in the UK.

Disgustingly, almost 25% of theses OFFICIAL complaints not investigated, or were buried or never finalized by the Devon & Cornwall police. Many of these complaints from LGBT persons. Further indication of the depth & level of continuing corruption & homophobic attitudes within Devon & Cornwall Constabulary under the command of Chief Constable Steven Otter.


Next go to  Pink Pasty youtube videos





Gay Cornwall
Homophobic Police Hate Crimes

Lidbury as Chair was arrested just days before Cornwall PRIDE beach day on allegation of a serious arrestable offence.


It was to be two years before police

admitted  in writing there was evidence

that the allegation made against Lidbury

was false.  


By then Lidbury had already attempted suicide as a result of the Hate campaign run against him by such organisations as Intercom Trust, Truro Cornwall Pride 

& at BarQdos.

Despite police intimidation & arrest of Lidbury as one of the organisers prior to the event, it was a great success.  Lidbury eventually  cleared two years later when police admitted there was evidence the allegation made

against him was false. 

Organisations like Intercom Trust, Truro Cornwall Pride & Healthy Gay Cornwall turned their backs on LGBT victims of institutional homophobia in Cornwall


....these orgs seemed more concerned about loosing their funding from

the abusive authorities than for the welfare of LGBT victims of hate crime

& homophobia ?

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